
Turn on autocorrect in microsoft word for mac
Turn on autocorrect in microsoft word for mac

  1. #Turn on autocorrect in microsoft word for mac how to
  2. #Turn on autocorrect in microsoft word for mac pro
  3. #Turn on autocorrect in microsoft word for mac windows

In the Try scriptblock, I attempt to add the item to the entries collection from the AutoCorrect object. I now use Try / Catch to provide basic error handling. If add, I use the ForEach language statement to walk through the collection of entries in the $entry variable (the result of importing the CSV file). Now I determine if the function is to add or to delete the entries. $word = New-Object -ComObject word.application This portion of the script is shown here. Next, I create the Word.Application object, do not make it visible, and obtain the AutoCorrect.entries object.

turn on autocorrect in microsoft word for mac

$entry = Import-Csv -Path $path Use the Add method to add the entries This portion of the function is shown here. The beginning portion of my Set-AutoCorrectEntries function defines parameters for the path to the CSV file, and switched parameters that determine whether to add or to remove the entries from Microsoft Word. This can greatly reduce your typing requirements. Part of the real power of this methodology is that I can substitute a few letters such as lol with a phrase such as laugh-out-loud. Replace is the word to replace, and with is the word that makes the substitution. For my CSV file, I used the same column headings that Microsoft Word uses in the graphical interface. To read a CSV file use the Import-CSV cmdlet and specify a path to the CSV file.

#Turn on autocorrect in microsoft word for mac windows

But like I said, I am looking for the easiest storage, and there is nothing wrong with a CSV file, and Windows PowerShell makes working with CSV files very easy. Of course, XML is also a possibility, as would be an Access database, or a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Perhaps the easiest way to add bulk AutoCorrect entries to Microsoft Word is to use a comma separated value (CSV) file to store the entries. Because I might want to remove my bulk entries, I decided to write a single function to add or to delete bulk AutoCorrect entries. Therefore, storage of the bulk entries is a paramount design consideration for a script of this type. With more than two or three entries, such a technique no longer remains viable. The big difference is that entering a single entry from a command line or hardcoded into the script is a workable solution.

turn on autocorrect in microsoft word for mac

The same “overhead” applies associated with creating the Word.Application object and releasing the Word.Application object. There is not much difference between adding bulk AutoCorrect entries or adding a single entry to the AutoCorrect feature. For Part 1, see yesterday’s Hey, Scripting Guy! blog, Use PowerShell to Add AutoCorrect Entries to Word. Note Todays blog is basically Part 2 about adding AutoCorrect entries to Microsoft Word. There are still a few tickets available, so if you are anywhere near the northeastern portion of Florida, you should check it out. This is one of those “you don’t want to miss it” type of events.

#Turn on autocorrect in microsoft word for mac pro

“Cool,” the Scripting Wife said, “For that, we will skip going to see a six-foot mouse (after all, it is still a rodent).” After the Windows PowerShell 3.0 session, we hop in the car and head to Jacksonville, Florida for the IT Pro Camp day-long event on Saturday.

turn on autocorrect in microsoft word for mac

Luckily, the Scripting Wife and I were invited by one of the Windows PowerShell program managers to attend a post-event training session about Windows PowerShell 3.0. Microsoft TechEd 2012 in Orlando, Florida is over-well, basically over. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here.

#Turn on autocorrect in microsoft word for mac how to

Summary: Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, shows how to use Windows PowerShell and a CSV file to add bulk AutoCorrect entries to Microsoft Word.

Turn on autocorrect in microsoft word for mac